Rabbitically Wonderful!

Rabbitically Wonderful!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tool #11

Just like teachers begin the year with rules or Tribes Aggreements, teachers(including me) need to have a section called Digital Citizenship posted for students. Students need to be taught that there will be guidelines when using any type of technology. One area I will certainly teach is decorum. This word is so essential in our digital world because of the communication that is involved between senders and receivers of messages. Decorum applies to the application of proper behavior via what we say and what we write.

Second area that I would teach students is responsibilites that come with any type of digital communication. Listing these responsibilities and helping students know that certain types of personal information is not to be distributed to any one in the digital world.(when in doubt--ask the teacher or parent)

The last area I would teach is respect. This word has become overly utilized, but I would certainly define the term and explain what the word means. With the three areas, I would assign groups of students to make posters illustrating these 3 areas. This section of digital citizenship needs to be done before using any type of technology.


  1. I like your ideas about having visuals to remind the students about digital citizenship.
